Your Internet Connection is only as good as your home Wi-Fi network

We specialise in providing commercial-grade Meshed Wireless Networks (Mesh Wi-Fi) to homes, businesses, farms, churches and community centres. This enables a seamless and reliable network across the whole premises with edge-to-edge coverage.
The technology we use is extremely robust and reliable compared to consumer-grade solutions, plus the overall performance means customers can fully leverage any high-speed Internet connection speeds, rather than settling for poor Wi-Fi performance.
The following are examples of common problems we can help transform for you:
- Constant dropouts or dead spots around the house
- TV on-demand streaming issues
- Family complaining that Internet connection is unreliable
- Video / Zoom calls proving to be a challenge
- Lack of Wi-Fi in the garden or courtyard
- Issues with Smart Home devices
Our Wi-Fi solutions are often delivered alongside our Specialist Broadband Solutions.

IntegrITy Team is a small, friendly and local solutions company. Call 01733 515260 or email